Sunday, March 31, 2013

What's The Dad's Role?

It all started when my parent's got divorced when I was 3. I was getting tossed from household to household several days of the week and every other weekend. It got old and tireing and I was just a little girl..

My mother practically raised me. When I was with my father I was shipped away to my grandmas house which is the only place I was fed and bathed on a daily basis besides when I was at my mom's.
My dad had alot of problems. From not being able to raise kids, to being an alcoholic. I was used to not being a "Daddy's Girl" like most of my friends were.

I had multiple issues with my father. From physical abuse, to just making me cook me & my brothers own meals in the oven by the time I was 7. If I didn't cook, we went hungry, or simply just lived off of poptarts. We all know of course, none of that is healthy for a kid at any age.

At later ages, I finally realized everything that was happening. My dad didn't care about anyone but himself. Sadly about 2 years ago, I got into a conflict with my dad that caused me to stop seeing my family and no longer see or better yet even speak to my father.

At this point, I realize you should never take anything in your life for granted because you never realize how fast things can be taken away from you.
Think suicide is cowardly? No. Whats cowardly is bulling someone so much to the point that they WANT to end their own life. Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year. Thats sad. Suicide is never the answer. Although, some people don't know that & they think suicide is the only way to set themselves free. Know someone who wants to commit suicide? Get them help. YOU can make a difference. One of my bestfriends attempted suicide and because I spoke up, I saved a life...Make a difference.